It’s that time for a new series that I am absolutely ecstatic about called, “It Doesn’t Take a Super Star. It Simply Takes You.” This series is to remind you that it doesn’t take a Superstar to get to where you want to go. It doesn’t take this ultra- glamorized, perfect person we obsess within our minds or compare ourselves to. You and all your flaws are the perfect fit for your dreams. So this week’s topic is, “Work With What Ya Got.” We often follow people on social media we aspire to be like. These people seem to have everything at their disposal with an endless budget to do whatever they want. But if you are like me and you are just starting to execute your ideas, you don’t have that limitless supply. That’s why I love this quote from Teddy Roosevelt who said, “Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are.” So, you truly have no excuse. You have all the resources you need right now.
The first part of that quote is Do What You Can. I wish I had a full workday to work on Dream Again, but I don’t. I am a Category Manager at Nestle. I have two children and a husband. These things need my time and my focus that I will not compromise. Therefore, I have to schedule time each week to work on this project. Often times, it’s at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning, 4 a.m. on weekdays for about 25 to 30 minutes, or on Sundays after church for a couple hours. During those times, I do what I can. I maximize my time by setting boundaries and cutting off distractions. I’m also learning to be okay if something doesn’t fully get complete. Sometimes we put unnecessary stress on ourselves because we think we should be further along than we are. As long as you are maximizing your time, you will get there. But whatever you do, do not compromise time with people that are important to you or your source of income.
The second part is do what you can With What You Have. You may not have a professional videographer or photographer, so grab a friend and use your phone. You may not have a person to create flyers or pamphlets, so do your best using free apps to help you. (That’s what I have to do). You can create websites and business cards for next to nothing. You’d also be amazed at the help and expertise you can get by simply asking. (So some of you, let your pride down lol). You might not have thought about this, but you are connected to so many people with gifts. How can they help you? How can you help each other? There are websites and businesses designed to offer quality electronics, baking utensils, and hardware for a discounted price…so many things at your fingertips!
With that being said, some of you will have to release expectations for the way you want things to be because, in this season, it may not be able to happen. I’m not saying settle, but be realistic. For example, you may want to record videos in a designer leather chair. Well, honey, you don’t have the money for a designer leather chair, so you have to work with a faux leather chair. (lol). It doesn’t mean that down the line you won’t have the best of best, but for now, use your resources that are near. You’d be amazed at what is produced. And let’s appreciate the small beginnings so that you can later appreciate the larger end.
The Last portion is With Where You Are. Some of you have these outstanding ideas to help people across the world, but in this season you have a job and you have a family. So, yes its great that you want to help others in big forums and capacities, but what about those in your own home or workplace? Are you helping them? There are people who need to be reached within your own four walls. Some of you have these awesome non-profits you want to start to reach different countries. That’s awesome! You’ll get there! But what about impacting your local community RIGHT NOW?
So Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are. That wipes out any excuses! Lastly, ask yourself what is most important…is it really designer leather chairs or faux leather chairs that are important? Nope, not at all. What’s most important is your message you give to others. It’s your message that needs to be heard. Also please know this: what you deem as small, God can multiply. So, USE what you got right now!
See video, scriptures, and daily devotionals here.