Let’s admit- we like what we have and we always want more, but it’s not fun to let things go. I remember watching MTV’s Cribs and it highlighting all the cars, homes, and luxuries celebrities possessed. Some celebrities would say nonchalantly, “Yeah, I just wanted it out the blue, so I went and got it.” I’m not talking about a phone or outfit, but million dollar cars, vacation homes, and jewelry! (Man, can I get a cut?! Lol). Because they truly wanted that item, they willingly paid a high price for it.
You might not believe me, but you are pretty rich, too. I know it sounds corny, but your purpose, dreams, and destiny are a gold-mine to the people who need you. There are people who will be strongly impacted, radically changed, and enthusiastically inspired by you. I want you to take a moment and pretend that all you are to be (to them and for yourself) is sitting on a shelf. Trust me, its’ highly valued! How do I know this? Because it’s rare. It’s one of kind. It’s exclusive. God only produced oneof you, and what do you pay for something so rare and unique? A HIGH PRICE! A high price is what must be paid in order to grab ahold of your purpose in its FULLNESS. Your destiny and purpose are not going to go on sale. It’s worth every penny. It’s not going to be discounted because when purchased, it offers more than what the buyer thinks he’s getting. It stays and will remain highly valued, so the price you have to pay to obtain it will be high.
To buy something and to own it, you have to give up some dough, right? So what makes you think you can grab ahold of all God has in store for you (your gold mine) by measly giving up a few cents (or, in others words, what’s convenient)? If you give up a few cents, you’re only going to get a few cents of your destiny released to you. Honey, I don’t know about you, but I want it all! I’m not settling. Therefore, if I (you) want it all, what price are you willing to pay?
Is it letting go of people who should not be in your life? Is it leaving addiction behind? Is it a lifestyle change to save more money or stop the illegal use of money? Is it transitioning into a new job or role and releasing fear? Knocking down your pride to apologize to someone? Is it walking away from a harmful relationship? Is it freeing yourself up on weekends to spend time with God or do volunteer work? Is it to quit smoking or lose weight to be at your best health? Is it to knock down your negative perceptions about counseling and go get the help you need? Is it stopping an affair that’s hindering the way you love your spouse? Is it your mouth (your harmful words) that need demolished to create a better environment for your children? You KNOW the things that are blocking blessings. You KNOW the areas that are slowing you down. You KNOW the habits that need to be destroyed, because you have a purpose that is calling your name. Although you think you can remain comfortable in not giving up anything, you won’t be satisfied, because purpose will keep calling you. You’ll always hear it and be bothered by it, because it will keep calling you. You won’t be able to drown it out or even smother it BECAUSE IT WILL KEEP CALLING YOU. So, it’s time to give into the call!
Let today be the day you give it up. Let today be the day you pay the price. It’s not enough just to say. You must be intentional: 1. Seek accountability, 2. Set boundaries, 3. Seek community and counseling, 4. Think positive, and 5. Establish a consistent prayer life.
I am going to take the next few weeks to help you walk out this process. It’s not easy, but it will soooo be worth it! Click here for several helpful steps in letting things go.