Can you believe we are still jammin’ on this series, “It Doesn’t Take Super Star?!” I’m lovin’ it! Superstars seem to have it all, especially when you go to their Instagram and Facebook pages. The “Likes” tell it all, right? If they have 1M likes, it must be worthy of attention. If they have 1M followers, they must really be somebody. I was never too concerned about how many likes my pictures received until I started Dream Again. After all, the “likes” and “followers” will tell you if your post was “good enough,” (so they say).
A few months ago, I found myself waking up not to be thankful, not to talk to God, not to start my day with a positive attitude, but, instead, rushing to get to my phone to see how many viewed my video. It was this particular week the numbers were significantly lower than the week before. Immediately, I got discouraged, thinking, “The world isn’t responding how I desire, so maybe what I’m saying isn’t resonating. Maybe I should change. Maybe I’m not good enough. Maybe… “
I sat in that moment for a few minutes and immediately shook myself out of it. I said to myself in the mirror, “One thousand people can view your story and not be changed, but YOUR mission is to change one person’s perspective, to touch one heart. One thousand people can forget a post within seconds, but you have the potential to impact and inspire the heart of one forever. That’s what is important.” I share this with you to tell you that if you go to the “likes” to get validation, you’ll continue to go back to them for more validation, BUT you must realize that the ones who give the “likes” (people) are fickle. Just think about yourself. You have days when you are up one minute and down the next…happy then mad…determined then lazy. We go through ebbs and flows of emotion. We are all crazy! (Just kidding). But seriously, don’t let the success of your hopes and dreams ride on a database dictated by the craziness of humans whose moods determine what posts they like.
That is why it is so important to heed to Malachi 3:6 that says this, “I am the Lord. I change not.” We can put our trust and hope in Jesus. His thoughts toward us never change. His actions toward us are not conditional. He is rooting for us always and puts His stamp of approval on all we do in His will. I know this may be a little deep for some of you and I can here you saying, “Tishonna, it doesn’t take all that,” but I pray about what I post and what to say on social media. Yes, I feel the liberty to post what comes to mind, but I always pray to make sure I have the right motive, right message, and right response….all to please Christ.
I understand everyone desires their dreams to catch on and their projects to grow in support. There is nothing wrong with that. And sometimes, you will have to go back and tweak some things. Don’t, however, become more consumed with numbers than your voice of impact. Don’t allow numbers to determine your happiness.
Beware, if you become consumed, you may find yourself compromising on the posts you share (i.e. seductive pics or hiding your boyfriend or girlfriend in the background….you all know what I’m talking about!) People spend hours trying to post the perfect picture or video and once it goes viral (which has a very low probability), then what?! They can retire early? Move into mansion? Get a gig on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? More than likely they are going to waste another large amount of time (that you could, instead, be used to make a difference) and try to go viral again. It’s crazy!
You are not in this to follow the “likes”. You are in this to follow your dreams. I am encouraging you and myself to stick with it. Be patient. The day of Ephesians 3:20 is coming, “Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams]…” Keep going. Stay diligent. Don’t stop. It will all be worth it in the end. For the video, challenge, and daily devotionals, click here.