No Room for Short Cuts! It takes WERK!

25 July 2018
This week’s blog and video is simply just to remind you that there are no shortcuts in achieving the goals that you’ve set for yourself. You can’t cheat the system. If you want it as badly as you say you do, you have to put in the time, the effort, the research, the discipline and the persistence to do whatever it is you have to do to get to the goal you are trying to achieve. There are so many day dreamers out there who say, ” One day I’m going to do this, and once this happens, I’m going to do that,” but they are still sitting on the couch eating potatoes chips and watching Netflix.” If you’re honest, you just don’t feel like putting in the work. Sure, you may put in a few steps, a few weeks, a couple months, a handful of tries, but when the resistance starts, you stop. You take a break. You say, “This is too hard…too much work. I’m done.” Listen ya’ll,We ain’t got time for that! For blog, click here.
Work through the laziness. Work through the urge to stop. Work through trying to get to your goal the quickest way. Pick it up, again, and put in the work. It will pay off!
Day 1:
Prayer: Lord, please help us, no matter how feel, to pursue all you have for us. We commit to the begrudging things, the hard things, and the long things to get to where we are trying to go. Set the vision before us once again. We know our hard work will meet a reward.
Daily Scripture: Colossians 3:23
Day 2:
Prayer: Give us the strength to see the vision and destiny unfolding. Help us to see ourselves at our max. Allow this vision of abundance to serve as motivation to take one more step.
Daily Scripture: Proverbs 14:23
Day 3:
Prayer: Lord, strengthen us. Give us rest. Give us peace. Give us patience. Be still, this anxious heart.
Daily Scripture: Proverbs 16:13
Day 4:
Prayer: Lord you are worthy to be praised. Let us do all things as unto you and allow our hard work to be motivated by your love for us.
Daily Scripture: Genesis 2:15
Day 5:
Prayer: We won’t stop, Jesus! We won’t stop, Jesus! We won’t stop! Satan, we rebuke you. You no longer hold any power over us. We willget to our place of purpose and we will not be hindered by your deceitful devices. We will overcome!
Daily Scripture: Proverbs 12:24