I found myself being such a yes woman in my twenties. Can you come to my event? Sure! Can you volunteer? No problem! Can you complete this? Absolutely! Can you fund this? Yes! Can you work on this project? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I would say yes to so many things, that I never made time to say yes to myself. I forsook what I thoroughly enjoyed or wanted to do for the sake of someone else’s agenda. Don’t get me wrong, I love to give and help others. It is part of who I am, but I had to learn how to set appropriate boundaries and give myself permission to invest in myself. To care for self puts us in a healthy position to properly care for others, including those attached to our purpose. The tag line for Dream Again is, “Finally Saying YES to All that is Inside of You”- saying no to certain requests and yes to yourself…no to harmful habits and yes to help… no to fear and yes to taking risks…no to giving others control and yes to taking control. So, give yourself permission YES without hesitation or guilt. You are worth it! For more, visit my blog.


Take out your journal. Make a commitment to begin to invest in YOU and all your dreams. Guilt may be a factor initially, but you must remind yourself of this: to care for self is to also care for others. In addition to making the commitment, jot down two or three things that (1.) will help you relax, (2.) are viewed as a rewards, (3). gives you time to reflect and work on your dreams. Take time to assign a schedule to them.  Will you invest once a month? Once a week? Everyday? You must make this time non-negotiable, so work with friends and family if need be to stick to it. You will be amazed at how awesome you feel as you see how important you and your dreams truly are. See below for ideas:






Day 1 Proverbs 15:22

Day 2 Ecclesiastes 4:6

Day 3 Isaiah 40:28-31

Day 4 Ecclesiastes 8:15

Day 5 Proverbs 15:13

Day 6 Psalm 94:19

Day 7 Psalm 43:4