How Many ‘Likes’ Did I Get Today?

Can you believe we are still jammin’ on this series, “It Doesn’t Take Super Star?!” I’m lovin’ it!  Superstars seem to have it all, especially when you go to their Instagram and Facebook pages. The “Likes” tell it all, right? If they have 1M likes, it must be worthy...


So glad you have joined me for the third week of “It Doesn’t Take a Super Star!” Woohoo! Today, we are focused on THE COPYCAT! It’s hard to admit we may fall into this category. I know it was for me. I remember, about six years ago, I ramped up my second year of...

You are Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea

Point blank: The faster you learn this the better off you will be, YOU are NOT EVERYONE’S CUP OF TEA. For a long time, I would shy away from giving my own opinions because I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers in hopes to be liked. We all have that desire…to be...

Work with What Ya Got!

It’s that time for a new series that I am absolutely ecstatic about called, “It Doesn’t Take a Super Star. It Simply Takes You.” This series is to remind you that it doesn’t take a Superstar to get to where you want to go. It doesn’t take this ultra- glamorized,...