This week’s blog and video is simply just to remind you that there are no shortcuts in achieving the goals that you’ve set for yourself. You can’t cheat the system. If you want it as badly as you say you do, you have to put in the time, the effort, the research, the discipline and the persistence to do whatever it is you have to do to get to the goal you are trying to achieve. There are so many day dreamers out there who say, ” One day I’m going to do this, and once this happens, I’m going to do that,” but they are still sitting on the couch eating potatoes chips and watching Netflix.” If you’re honest, you just don’t feel like putting in the work. Sure, you may put in a few steps, a few weeks, a couple months, a handful of tries, but when the resistance starts, you stop. You take a break. You say, “This is too hard…too much work. I’m done.” Listen ya’ll,We ain’t got time for that!
I think we see successful people and we think they just all of a sudden landed in a pile of popularity, promotion, and profits. BUT, what you see in public is years of hard-work in private. What you see as quick and easy was years of trying, practice and diligence. With that being said, you may have to go door to door for three months straight to pass out business cards before you get one phone call back. You may have to be the one who displays forgiveness and love before your spouse or friend responds. You may have to spend weeks preparing for one single presentation. You may have to run miles before you lose a single pound. You may have to wake up two hours early each day before you go to work to get things done for your side-hustle. What you want to grasp isn’t always going to be easy. Sometimes the ratio between effort and results will seem like 80/20, 90/10. But you have to keep going.
You also can’t be blind to the fact that there are forces and spirits working against you, so of course when you put one foot in front of the other, that’s when laziness will try to set in, discouragement tries to nestle within your heart, and temptation and distractions appear out of nowhere! The enemy’s success for far too long has lied in his ability to get people to stop. He knows what the world could be if each person walks in their purpose whole- heartedly. There would be peace in unity instead of despair in division.
But know this very thing: God is working for you. Even when you don’t feel it, He’s working, Even when you don’t see it, he’s working. He never stops working, so enable Him to push you. Push pass the opposition and the desire to quit. Keep working. Keep putting in the effort. Short cuts lead to cut-OFFs. Hard work leads to pay-OFFs. Your job is to not get OFF-track. So, put in that work. Make wise use of your time, because you can never get it back. And while you are working, rest assured God is fighting for you and working on your behalf. For video and daily devotionals, click here.