Have you had those moments when you feel as though, “Man, God must be mad at me or punishing me or somethin’! Dang! Every time I make one move, an obstacle comes my way, a door gets shut, or I face opposition. I just can’t get ahead!” It is in some circumstances that God is not punishing you or trying to make things hard for you, but He is trying to REPOSITION you. (Can I get an AMEN?!) He HAS to make things uncomfortable. He HAS to make your surroundings scratchy and itchy for you to get out, go another direction, and move forward -not for the destiny that YOU THINK is good for you, but for the destiny, HE’S CREATED in order to bring you into your best of days! This video is fire!
Today, if this video has spoken to you, and has found you right where you are, can we just take a second and pour out our hearts to God as Jonah did in the belly of the big fish? Can you exalt God for his goodness? Exalt God for His love? Can we repent and ask for forgiveness for being stubborn? Can we admit He knows what is best? Can we commit to NOW choosing His plan? Take a moment to allow God to speak to your heart as you surrender to His glorious plan.
Day 1: Read Jonah 1
Day 2: Journal about how your life may parallel Jonah’s (in chapter 1). What instruction did God originally give you? Are you obeying His instruction EXACTLY? Have you gone the opposite direction out of fear or hurt or any other reason? Are you at a place where you know you are experiencing some discomfort because you know your life has brought you to places you don’t belong? Why did you decide to run away? How long will you keep running away?
Day 3: Read Jonah 2
Day 4: Journal about how your life may parallel Jonah’s (in chapter 2). Let’s take a moment to repent and ask for forgiveness. Let’s admit that He knows what is best. Can we commit to NOW choosing His plan? Can we NOW take the steps to walk things out His way? Let God remind you of the greatness that is ahead of you when you choose His ways.
Day 5: Read Jonah 3
Day 6: Journal about how your life may parallel Jonah’s (in chapter 3). Do you see the beauty that comes when we listen to Christ? Do you see the lives that can be changed by your obedience? Now that we’ve repented, let’s choose to walk in what we know we were supposed to do all along.
For video, devotionals, and challenges, click here.