Be You!

24 January 2018
Iam so glad you put on your non-judgement hat and joined me again after sharing my dirty laundry a few weeks ago (lol). For those who missed, we discussed snapping out seasons when we find ourselves doing things that are not in our character. I titled it, “This is Not Who You are.” But with that statement comes another question: Who am I? I had to ask myself this question a couple years ago. (Shouldn’t I know that answer by now?!) People perceived me as having it all together, and oftentimes, I allowed myself to be fooled in thinking I did because I had all the material things I desired. But age has nothing to do with it. Reputation has nothing to do with it. Material things have nothing to do with knowing who you are. Knowing who you are is not the false self-confidence wrapped in highly valued things or status or smarts, nor do those things mean you’ve reached the pinnacle of life. Knowing who you are is being surround by 101 things that have the possibility to waver, change, shake, or oscillate, BUT you stand unwavered in your core values, beliefs, interests, temperament/ personality, and strengths. Society will tell you to follow this trend one year and that trend the next, but it shouldn’t move you. Money has the ability to be gained or lost, but it should not affect who you are. Management has the ability to promote or demote you, yet, it should not affect who you are. We all know this, but PEOPLE will cheer for you one minute and then talk about you the next, YET, IT SHOULD NOT AFFECT WHO YOU ARE. Situations that have any possibility to be unsteady should always meet stability (YOU). To continue, visit blog.
After this week’s journal entries, I want you to say these five words, “I ACCEPT WHO I AM”– every strength, weakness, pretty, and not so pretty piece of you. Don’t force yourself to live up to a certain standard, place yourself in a box that other’s placed you in, or reject traits that are actually your truth right now. Learn to stand in who you are without the influence of others.
Day 1
What does Christ say about you? “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9 (Amplified)
Journal Write down the meaning of today’s scripture in your own words. In addition, write down your strengths.
Prayer Lord, we accept what you richly say about us and accept the strengths you have given to us. We will not try to have the strengths of others. Instead, we embrace the beautiful gifts you’ve given to us here and now.
Day 2
What does Christ say about you? “See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God…” 1 John 3:1 (Amplified)
Journal Write down the meaning of today’s scripture in your own words. In addition, write down your weaknesses.
Prayer Lord, we accept what you richly say about us and accept the weaknesses we have. We know they are in need of improvement and we must work on them. Please take away all pride that forces us to mask our weaknesses or pretend they do not exists. Instead, we embrace weakness as a sign that we are not perfect, must rely on you, and have the ability to link with others to help strengthen us.
Day 3
What does Christ say about you? “We know that our old [a]self [our human nature without the Holy Spirit] was nailed to the cross with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin.” Romans 6:6 (Amplified)
Journal Write down the meaning of today’s scripture in your own words. In addition, write down what energizes you.
Prayer Lord, we accept what you richly say about us and accept the areas that refuel us. Helps us to refrain from things that do the opposite. At times we try to make others happy (to the point of compromise) and it ultimately drains us. Help us to be okay with placing healthy boundaries around our relationships.
Day 4
What does Christ say about you? “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 (Amplified)
Journal Write down the meaning of today’s scripture in your own words. In addition, write down your core values- qualities that are highly important to you that influence the decisions you make (example: health and wellness, integrity, family, faith, self-improvement, honesty, fairness)
Prayer Lord, we accept what you richly say about us and accept our core values. Help us to place these core values as a guide in how we live and the choices we make. Let us focus on our list of core values and not compare our list of core values with those of others. Help us to prioritize our values and what should be important to us.
Day 5-7
What does Christ say about you? “If you, then, being evil [that is, sinful by nature], know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!” Luke 11:3 (Amplified)
Journal Write down the meaning of today’s scripture in your own words. In addition, take a couple days and use this website as an aid in writing down your core temperament/ personality traits. You do not have to place yourself in one box. Get a feel for the characteristics that truly define you right now (not who you want to be):
Prayer Lord, we accept what you richly say about us and accept our temperament. Help us to focus on the characteristics that define us NOW. We may change and we may grow to embrace other traits, but accepting who we are at this stage is key to standing firm in our purpose.