My Tribe
Iam so blessed to be married to my phenomenal husband, Franklin Hicks II, since October 2, 2010. After serving in ministry for a mega church in Ohio for nearly ten years (2003-2013), you’d think we’d have it all together…practically perfect. The truth of the matter is during that season we were way more broken than we were willing to admit. We were successful at putting on the best of events, preached life-changing messages, and influenced others to live devoted, passionate lives. (Thank the Lord for His grace!) However, there were still silent temptations eating away at us that we eventually gave into. These temptations nearly broke our marriage, propelled us into complacency, dragged us into addictions and smothered our dreams and desires. All while partaking in things we preached against, we could feel the tug of the Holy Spirit guiding us to truth and love.

Honestly, it took some exposing, transparency, and prayer to reconcile things between each other as a married couple and our Savior. As Christ reached his arms out to restore us, He began to pour hope back into our lives. He lifted our shamed heads to see His light. He turned us away from sin and showed us the way to freedom. Yet, there were still questions we asked ourselves… After the mistakes we made, were we worthy of such love and grace? Could Christ still bless us? Could we still pursue the call? Just like our Savior, He took us on journey, ripping away all shame and unworthiness and told us to “RISE, AGAIN!” With those two powerful words, we knew our lives were meant to be lived to the fullest…together, as one. It wasn’t over for us. The faith that Christ had in our restoration placed within us a determination and tenacity to live our lives surrendered to Him. Through faith, God has completely restored our marriage and gave us two gorgeous children- my adventurous, bold son Franklin Eugene III and my determined, intelligent daughter Milania Annalise. You can find us doing one of many things everyday centered around our children – playing Spiderman, eating French fries, or dancing to the Moana and Trolls soundtrack. My family is symbol of promise, faithfulness, restoration and blessing. To get us to where we are today, I wouldn’t change a thing.