The Perfectionist

04 April 2018
Today, I get to talk to all the people who put pressure on themselves to be perfect. You have to have it ALL together, 100% of the time, do things flawlessly with no mistakes and won’t (can’t) fall short (because it’s not an option to fall short) of giving people excellence, and you’ll be darned if someone catches you without a “T” crossed or an “I” dotted. Um….anybody guilty of this? Yep, I can raise my hand loud and proud!
I struggled with perfectionism for a very long time and STILL have to release the desire to be perfect, especially after launching something I want to be just right. I, first, must say this: perfectionists are great in the fact that they guarantee thorough, high quality, and excellent work. Perfectionists do their research, and, thus, a strong reliance and trust are built with others. Perfectionists work hard to get a job done and won’t stop until it’s done right. These are all strong and awesome traits! However, behind every true perfectionist is a “You’re not Good Enough!” story. This story wasn’t written in fairytales, but as a true belief in the heart of the perfectionist (maybe you). For blog, click here.
Choose a story referred to in the Daily Devotions. Journal about what that story means to you and how it can help you tear down the walls of imperfection.
Below is an awesome reminder that proves God uses the imperfect and flawed to do incredible works. It’s their stories that have helped me to walk in victory, just as yours will help others. Remember, there is beauty in your imperfections and glory in your redemption story. Try to read three stories this week.
~ Noah was a drunk: Genesis chapters 6-9
~ Abraham was too old: Genesis 22:1-18
~ Joseph was abused: Genesis chapters 37-50
~ Moses had a stuttering problem: Exodus chapters 9-15
~ Gideon was afraid: Judges chapters 6-8
~ Samson was a womanizer: Judges chapters 13-16
~ Rahab was a prostitute: Joshua chapters 2-6
~ Jonah ran from God: The Book of Jonah
~ Job went bankrupt: The Book of Job
~ The Samaritan woman was divorced (more than once): John 4:1-42
~ Zacchaeus was too small: Luke 19:1-9
~ Lazarus was dead: John chapter 11
~ David was an adulterer and murderer: Acts13:22