The Right Motive

2 May 2018
Iremember when the job I wanted out of college was to assist a world-renown speaker as she traveled the world. For some reason, I thought it had Tishonna Hicks’ name written all over it. When someone else was selected for the job, I was so mad, upset, and frustrated. I didn’t understand why UNTIL I opened my heart and mind to gain some understanding and came across James 4:3, which reads:
“You ask [God for something] and do not receive it, because you ask with wrong motives [out of selfishness or with an unrighteous agenda], so that [when you get what you want] you may spend it on your [hedonistic] desires.” For more, read the blog. Click here
Work to be honest, and completely transparent with yourself. You don’t have to talk about this to anyone. It can stay between you and Christ. Please dig deep and ask yourself why you truly want, say or do some of the things that you want, say or do. Let’s make sure they are rooted in obedience, truth, and love. If they are not, it’s time for some adjusting and possibly abandonment. In the devotional section below, I’ve added questions to help guide you.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to make sure your motives are rooted correctly and what your answer should be. Remember, too, you can have the best intentions, but still be misguided.
If others misunderstand or criticize my actions, would I stop? NO
If no one gives me recognition or gratitude, would I continue? YES
If no one sees me serving, giving, or participating, would I keep going? YES
If I achieve this, will I get joy from seeing someone suffer? NO
Am I doing this to prove someone wrong? NO. I should only strive to prove God right.
Will what I do cause me to feel superior to someone or finally be on the same level as another? NO
Am I doing this for the praise of others? NO
Find scripture references on my blog to help hold you accountable: James 4:3, 1st Corinthians 4:5, 1st Thessalonians 2:4, and Matthew 6:1.