Dream Again

22 October 2017
Heidi Ho guys and gals! Wow! I can’t believe the time has finally come! My name is Tishonna Hicks and in 2014, God gave my husband and me the most precious gift of our lives- a beautiful baby boy. Prior to my son’s birth, because of physical hurdles and guilt from past decisions, I strongly believed I would never be a mother…didn’t deserve to be a mother. So, I dug that desire way deep into the ground. It wasn’t that God didn’t promise it, because He did. It wasn’t that God didn’t desire it for me, because He did. I just allowed my voice to smother God’s promise. And now, to make a long story short (with more details to come), here I am with not one but two gorgeous children- a dream come true!
You might have done the same- something happened and your purpose and dreams are no longer your pursuit. But deep within, you feel your dream bubbling inside of you. You eat, breath and sleep it. You love to talk about it. It has you up for hours. You can’t put it down. You can’t let it go. It’s apart of who you are. And although your dreams are begging to be let out, your dreams have been
…smothered because your priorities are not in line,
…stolen because you are pursuing someone else’s purpose instead of your own,
…sleeping because of laziness or lack of motivation,
…stubborn because of unforgiveness or jealousy
…stuck in the past due to regret or mistakes
…laughed at because someone told you it could never be done,
…tied up because of an addiction
…long gone because you never thought of yourself as someone who could fulfill it,
…crammed because of busyness, or
…buried because of tragic events.
There are so many things vying for our attention and act as a “stop sign” when executing our ideas.
I pray a glimpse of my story gives you faith. Because God allowed me to believe in one of my dreams again, I literally produced a world changer (my son). And that is what you possess- something that will change the world- an invention, a way of thinking, a song, a book, a creation, an organization, something you are to lead, overcome, start, design or build! People need you! That is why I present to you, “Dream Again: Finally Saying Yes to ALL that is Inside of You” where every Wednesday, for an entire year, I will be releasing a 5-10 minute video to help you on this journey. The videos are not just it. On this website, you will also find a weekly challenge, daily devotionals, and blog that correspond with each video until the next one is released.
Remember, there is no such thing as “too late.” Our dreams have a purpose. Our dreams have a place. It is our RIGHT to grab ahold of them and release them. With that release comes change in ourselves and change in others, so grab a friend and commit to joining me! We are in this together to get it together! See you next week!
This might be the easiest challenge ever!!! Commit to joining me next week. An awesome journey awaits us. Along with challenges and videos, a blog and daily devotions will also be included starting next week. Click here for blog.