Work With What
Ya Got!

07 February 2018
It’s that time for a new series that I am absolutely ecstatic about called, “It Doesn’t Take a Super Star. It Simply Takes You.” This series is to remind you that it doesn’t take a Superstar to get to where you want to go. It doesn’t take this ultra- glamorized, perfect person we obsess within our minds or compare ourselves to. You and all your flaws are the perfect fit for your dreams. This week’s topic is “Work With What Ya Got.” We often follow people on social media we aspire to be like. These people seem to have everything at their disposal with an endless budget to do whatever they want. But if you are like me and you are just starting to execute your ideas, you don’t have that limitless supply (YET). That’s why I love this quote from Teddy Roosevelt who said, “Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are.” So, you truly have no excuse. You have all the resources you need right now. For the blog, click here.
Sometimes your resources are simply in who you know. Start listing your network of people who can assist you. You would be surprised at how many people will help you for free or at a low cost. Need a photographer? Choose a friend who has a decent camera (even if it’s on her phone). Schedule time for her to take a few pics of you. Use YouTube tutorials to teach yourself how to design a website using ready-made templates. Search for discounts at key times (Christmas, President’s Day, Black Friday) or at thrift stores. List the strengths of your friends and family. How can they help you? Once you start digging and ASKING, you will be surprised at what you already have to begin.
Day 1
Scriptures “Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 (Amplified)
Journal Write down the meaning of today’s scripture in your own words. When was the last time you asked God for something? When was the last time you asked God to send people to help you? When was the last time you asked for Him to provide resources that fit your budget? Write down what you need to get started and ASK Him for it.
Prayer Lord, you delight in giving to us. You delight in helping us. You delight in knowing that we come to you first for our needs. Help us to get past all discomfort and pride to open our mouths and ask you for our deepest desires and resources.
Day 2
Scriptures “And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (Amplified)
Journal I want you to do something repetitive for me. Write down ten times, “I Believe.” Sometimes we get discouraged and think we are exempt from being blessed. You are not exempt. In order to receive, you must first believe. Believe Christ wants to fulfill all your needs.
Prayer Lord, we believe we are worth you providing for us. We believe we are made to birth all you’ve placed inside of us. We believe you will give us all we need. We believe you love us and desire to make things happen for us. We believe.
Day 3-4
Scripture “Not that I speak from [any personal] need, for I have learned to be content [and self-sufficient through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy] regardless of my circumstances.” Philippians 4:11
Journal Make a journal entry of what you are willing to release. What do I mean? Sometimes we expect the resources we need to be a certain way. I am not telling you to settle but work within your means. At this moment, you may not be able to get the most expensive items to get the job done. However, you can work within your budget, be resourceful, creative and produce what you wanted all along. Release the desire to have everything perfect. You must start somewhere.
Prayer Lord, help us to know it is not about having the most expensive resources. It’s not about portraying perfection. It’s not about being discontent to the point we become frustrated because we don’t have the resources like someone else. Help us to be content with what we have in this season. You have the ability to multiply and spread our “small” and make it big.
Challenge for Tomorrow: ASK PEOPLE FOR HELP IN WHAT YOU NEED. Yep, open your mouth and make some calls, set a meeting, send a text, etc. GET UP AND DO IT…NOW
Day 5 – 7
Scripture “If anyone fails to provide for his own, and especially for those of his own family, he has denied the faith [by disregarding its precepts] and is worse than an unbeliever [who fulfills his obligation in this matter].” I Timothy 5:8
Journal You cannot go out and help others and refuse to help your family. You cannot take your message to the nations when you refuse to take your message to your own community. You cannot spread love to others and dismiss pouring out love to your children. You must first take care of your own before anyone else. Take three days to 1. Evaluate yourself. In what areas can you be better for your home and community? 2. What message/ values do your dreams speak? Does that same message resound in your house? If not, why? 3. Write a course of action. What things do you need to re-work to place your family as the #1 priority and be an example to them?
Prayer Lord, open our eyes to the “field” you have given us. Forgive us for trying to focus on so many things to get further ahead that we forget and bypass the needs of our family and community. Before giving us a heart for the nations, give us a heart for those near and dear to us. Change, love, and togetherness must first be implemented and practiced in our own home. Convict us and change us to be the best in where we are and who we have in our lives.