You are Not Everyone’s
Cup of Tea

14 February 2018
Point blank: The faster you learn this the better off you will be, YOU are NOT EVERYONE’S CUP OF TEA. For a long time, I would shy away from giving my own opinions because I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers in hopes to be liked. We all have that desire…to be liked…to be loved. It’s human nature. No one enjoys the opposite. I don’t sit and get all giddy when someone says they hate me. To be liked by everyone makes some people feel as though they are all-“right”, but honestly, to be liked by everyone means you are often doing something wrong which is not being yourself and standing firmly in who you are. If this is you, your opinion, attitude, stance, and even personality changes based on the group you are with. Your worth sources from the validation of others instead of standing firm and allowing validation to come from God. For the blog, click here.
If you “dropped the ball” because of what someone said, pick it right back up and get back into the game. You may get some “boos” from the opponent, but you’ll also have cheerleaders rooting for your success. Success is where you are headed.
Please take some time to read these stories and journal about how each biblical character continued to pursue their desires and trust God no matter the opposition. Let us pray we will not be silenced by what others think of us.
Day 1
Job chapters 1, 2 (Job’s own wife discouraged him and told him to curse God, but he continued to serve Him).
Day 2
Luke chapter 23 (Jesus was ridiculed and beaten, but He still died on the cross for us).
Day 3
Luke 8:43-48 (The woman with the issue of blood was banned from her community because of her disease, but she didn’t let that stop her from meeting Jesus).
Day 4
Acts chapter 9 (When Paul was converted, several used his past against him. Even so, he continued to preach of Christ).
Day 5 and Day 6
Genesis chapters 37, 38, and 39 (Joseph was betrayed by his very own brothers and Potiphar’s wife, but God still found favor with Him).
Day 7 Bible Reading:
Proverbs 29:25, Galatians 1:10 (Read words of wisdom to apply to your life).